Hey everyone. Today I’m giving you a handy guide to tabby cats!
How old is Warriors?
When I saw that Warriors was 20 years old, I was rather excited- I mean, that’s a long time (in fact, it’s 240 moons, 3 times the age of the general Clan elder)! Then I thought ‘Why don’t I make a page on my website where people can see exactly how long it’s been’, and …
Warrior Cats Out-Of-Universe Quiz
Just a short quiz about Warrior cats 🙂 Loading…
Who Am I According To The Official Warriors Site?
Using the quizzes and tests available on the site, I’ve discovered my Official Warriors Information……
List of Warriors Books
A few months ago, I made it my mission to memorise the title of every one of the Warrior Cats books- no easy feat!There are over 40 books in the main Arcs alone, and over 90 books in total (I think maybe 98-100 including ones yet to be released), so I decided to focus on …
The Ghost Of The Mountain (the Snow Leopard)
The Ghost of the Mountain isn’t really a ghost, it’s a big cat! Today I’m going to share my presentation about the Snow Leopard with you!
Sadie – My Cat
After so long of me having to post links… is the EMBED FUNCTION working! Or will it break again…??