YouTube Comments

If you’ve seen my youtube channel, you might have noticed that you can’t comment.
Well, this is the place for that- head on down to the comments section and start typing!

Make sure you mention what video you are commenting about, and please be considerate of the effort I put into my videos by being kind and respectful. Thanks!

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26 thoughts on “YouTube Comments”

  1. Just looked at the Canopy Cat. What an amazing creature! It looked so real stalking through the forest. Fascinating idea for a cat!

  2. Naomi Young

    Just watched your torch making video. Wow there’s so many pieces that all look really complicated to make 😂 You are good at working out how to do things! 👍

  3. Hi, a comment for Fanon Character Showcase night lights. All of them have vanilla designs. My fanon proposal is the fact that such coloration is for young stage, and upon becoming a adult the Night Light recieves the dominant gene and becomes one, night or light, not both. It seems that’s unique NON-subspecies compatibility. No idea how to describe, but 3rd movie team just slapped this conception to public… Well, we can react as the community. And I did.

  4. Just watched The Last Battle. Wonderful work, so realistic. Good voices! I was caught up in all the tension! What a sad cry from Sandstorm! I can imagine lip syncing taking forever… may be one day.. Congratulations on an amazing video!!

  5. “The Final Battle – Warrior Cats Animation”. Amazing animation Katt! The transitions are so well done. Imogen is hooked.

  6. Weekly Cat Fact #17

    A cat named Stubbs was the Mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, U.S. for 20 years until he died in 2017.
    Can you imagine having a cat in charge of your town? I reckon it’d be kinda cool.

    Sent you the image another way.

  7. I am loving the regular cat facts! It’s fun learning a little somethinng new about cats each week, and there are so many pretty cats in the neighbourhood!! 😀

    1. Naomi Young

      This week I learned why they wiggle before pouncing (so cute)! Makes sense actually. Thanks for the tips!

  8. How wonderful to have such a co-operative model for your Merry Christmas video. She did look rather cute!

  9. Loving the cat facts in the community feed on YouTube. Cat Fact #4 about tabbies is a surprise! I always called them a breed! Now I know better 🙂

  10. I enjoyed the video of your history of drawing cats. What a difference being able to use the new programmes has made. The pictures have become more detailed and so interesting. They still look as though they have taken a lot of work to do though. Well done!

  11. Hey Summer, I really like your video Toothless’ Tail Fin in Action – Stop Motion
    It’s a very creative use of lego!

  12. K I just saw your how to on drawing a yawning cat… I love it! So cool to see how you make it… All the different stages. You have a such skill!!

  13. I love Spinning Cat 🙂 I can see why she needs to have a little break every now and then! So cute

  14. Sadie – My Cat…. I just want to sleep after watching her for even half a minute! A sleeping cat is so calming. Yes, I agree with your caption!!

  15. I liked your video Digging out a Shipwreck in Minecraft, at the end when it went much slower so I could see what was going on! It was very clever.

  16. Example comment

    Hi, just wanted to say that I really liked your video titled “Sadie – My Cat”.
    She’s so funny when she walks across the roof like that!

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