New Warrior Cats Book List + Tracker

Today I’d like to present my latest work….
An updated version of my list of Warrior Cats books, now in a Google Sheet!

The sheet has all the release dates for the latest books, and everything is sorted by type/book arc.

However, the most exciting feature is the statistics!
Beside each book, there is a little status dropdown.
I can select “Owned”, “Read”, “Reading, “Earning” (I get given the books as prizes), “None” (no progress), or “unreleased”, and it will update all the stats, including a pie chart 😉

This document is free for anyone to see, and if you go under “file” you can “make a copy” and add all your own stats!
The only thing with doing that is it won’t have the new books automatically (I add them to mine, I can’t add them to your version), so you’ll have to stay updated and add them yourself.

or scroll down to see a video of the auto-statistics in action!

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2 thoughts on “New Warrior Cats Book List + Tracker”

  1. hi! i was doing a tracker mostly for myself relating to wcue gamepasses and badges! i was wondering how you got the price tracker working? i’m having a difficult time, although it is formatted a lot differently.

    [Link removed for privacy] is the sheet, if you could help me out that would be great! thank you so much!

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