
Cat Genetics

Whenever I make a new character for my story or a new OC like Starstrike, I wonder if I am making the cat’s fur realistic….


Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month, and the 2nd is Autism Awareness Day Autism is a Neurodivergent condition also known as


My YouTube!

Thanks to everyone who has subscribed 🙂 It means a lot to me 🙂 I’ll be sure to keep posting!



Hello again!No- I haven’t finished the guide, sorry. Instead, I’m here on the topic of HORSES.Now, you may or may

Warrior Cats

Warriors: a Fan’s Guide

You may be wondering what the title means.

Well, if you are, you might have noticed it says ‘Warriors’.

‘Warriors’, as in ‘Warrior Cats’, the series by Erin Hunter. It also says ‘Guide’.

That would generally mean it is a Guide about Warriors, right? Well, that’s true this time as well.

I am making a Warriors guide!

When I’m done, I’m going to sell it right here, on my website!


Song: Sweet Aroma

Just a few days ago, on the 2nd of Febuary 2023, someone I know created a Christian song called Sweet Aroma!

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